It seemed like such a good idea at the time, or at least I assume it did.
As I get sent a picture of the "You're In!" cover of the magazine, indicating that I was successful in the ballot of the London marathon, I had one immediate reaction. Joy.
It's surprising how long it took to turn to fear, but turn it did. 26.2 miles is a long way.
I've never run a marathon before, and at the age of 29, the furthest I have run competitively is 10 miles, twice, and a handful of 10Ks. So, lots of training and learning to do. Seemed like a good idea to get a blog going to record this whole process, for posterity, for motivation or maybe even for distraction.
It has now been three days since I knew I was running the marathon, and I've not so much looked at my trainers yet. Why? Well a combination of a hockey ball to my ankle and the common cold have put paid to me getting cracking with any sort of exercise on my first weekend. Good job my training plan doesn't start till Tuesday then isn't it!
My head is buzzing with all sorts of things to put here, my training plan, my background, my motivation, my charity, my hopes, my fears... I'm sure I'll get round to blogging them all eventually. For now though I'll leave you with just in case you are feeling generous.