I ran over 17 miles today (in horrendous weather conditions), which gave me plenty of time to reflect on my training, here are just a few of the things I have learnt so far:
- Running gloves are worth their weight in gold.
- Rain is annoying, but wind is much much worse.
- Marathon training is incredibly time consuming, and not just the weekend long runs.
- My clothes are all mysteriously getting slightly bigger and looser.
- Dogs aren't great pacemakers.
- Rest days are the best days of all.
- The fuel you eat makes a massive difference to how you run
- Orange shoes are the fastest of all shoes.
- Nipples hurt when they bleed.
- I will sing-a-along, air guitar, and air drum to pretty much anything.
- I know all the words to Agadoo.
- Running downhill is scant consolation for the effort put in to get to the top of it in the first place.
- When you stomp through an especially deep puddle, your shoe will squelch funny for at least 10 strides.
- Getting pelted by an all encompassing wall of splashed up puddle water, caused by an ignorant twonk in a sports car makes very little actual difference when you've already been running in heavy rain for two hours.
- No-one cares about your training progress as much as you do, so try to talk about other things occasionally.
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